How we are working to keep you safe
One of the core values of Eight Branches is to provide you with a welcoming and non-clinical environment for you to experience your acupuncture treatments and herbal medicine appointments. It has been necessary to make a few changes during these current times in order to keep us all safe. With this in mind the following steps have been implemented. The changes are in line with government guidelines and the recommendations of the British Acupuncture Council and Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine.
Whilst there have been some adjustments to the normal routine, you can be assured that some things do not change. What I can guarantee is the same level of professionalism, a warm, friendly welcome and a relaxing space for your appointment.
I recognise that social distancing is not always possible during your appointment. Where it is achievable the chairs have been placed 2 metres apart. To reduce the amount of physical face to face contact, some of the consultation will now take place by video conferencing, phone or email. This includes a questionnaire to ensure you are fit and well for treatment. For new patients the initial consultation will be carried out in this way and will include a follow up appointment for acupuncture and/or herbs.
Spaces between Consultations
Appointments will be scheduled throughout the day to allow 30 minutes between treatments. This will ensure that it is only you and I within the building at any one time. It also allows ample time for thorough cleaning and disinfecting to take place before the next person arrives.
Meet and Greet
I will meet and greet you at the door to welcome you in. This will ensure that doors are opened and closed by me, with of course the exception of the WC. All door handles will be disinfected before the arrival of the next person. As an additional measure your temperature will also be taken, using a remote thermometer, before you enter the building. This extra vigilance is to ensure that everyone, including high risk groups, have access to care.
On arrival please use the WC for hand-washing with soap followed by hand sanitiser.
You will also be asked to place your shoes in a plastic box when you enter the building. Another box will be available for your coat and bag. These boxes will be disinfected before the next person arrives.
Hygiene and handwashing have always been of paramount importance in clinic. However, extra procedures are now in place with handwashing and sanitising occurring even more regularly than before.
You will notice that I will be wearing some items of PPE. This is a necessary step to ensure both the safety of you and me. A medical mask will be worn throughout the appointment, and a visor may also be used. I will be wearing healthcare industry approved clothing, which will be cleaned at high temperature at the end of each day. Gloves will not be worn as routine but may occasionally be required.
Towels and blankets
As part of your treatments I have used towels to keep you warm whilst on the couch. This will no longer be possible. However, you are very welcome to bring your own if preferred. Foil blankets will be offered as an alternative, which many of you know I already use. These will now be strictly for your individual use and stored safely until your next visit.
To allow air to circulate, windows will be open throughout the day if the weather permits. If this is not possible, doors and windows will be opened wide between treatments.
Soft furnishings in waiting area
Upholstered furniture has either been removed, or has plastic covering over the seat in order to allow thorough cleaning after each use. The waiting area is no longer for general use except where social distancing can be exercised.
Complimentary beverages
For the time being I am unable to offer teas, coffees, water or other beverages either before or after your appointment. I am working to make this possible, but in the meantime, you are very welcome to bring your own.
How you can help keep Eight Branches safe
As the health and wellbeing of each and everyone of us is of paramount importance, I would really appreciate your help and co-operation in the following areas:
Masks and face coverings
You are requested to wear a medical mask for your appointment. If you do not have your own I do have some for purchase at the nominal charge of £1.50.
Symptom assessment and consent
You will be contacted the day before/morning of your appointment to ask if you have a cough or fever, or reduced sense of smell or taste. Please be extra vigilant about these symptoms if you are in a high risk group. In order to be able to have treatment it is a requirement for you to sign a consent form. You can fill this out electronically and return via email or bring a copy with you at your appointment. You are also required to let me know if any of these symptoms become apparent within 14 days after your appointment. Full details of this requirement and the procedures to follow will be available with your consent form.
Appointment time
I have usually been able to reasonably accommodate early or late arrivals. During this current time this is unfortunately no longer possible. Please arrive promptly to ensure there is time for your treatment.
In the event of an early arrival please stay in your car until your appointment time as the waiting area will not be available. If you wish, please feel free to send me a text message and if it is possible to accommodate you before the scheduled time, I will let you know.
If you have been unavoidably delayed please let me know in advance so that we can re-book your appointment.
Coughs and sneezes
Please use disposable tissues in the event of coughs and sneezes. If this is not possible please ensure you cough or sneeze into the crook of your elbow to contain the germs.