Midlife and Menopause Consultations

The midlife years, from perimenopause, menopause and beyond, are a time of rapid change. For many women, particularly in the West, this life stage is viewed with apprehension and something to be feared.

Too often it is medicalised as an illness, requiring intervention. Whilst this may be true in some instances, in fact, if it is managed well then it can be a positive experience. How we live through these years, the lifestyle choices we make, can be of vital importance. In the Chinese classics, the middle years are one of the Gateways of life, known as the Second Spring. There are 3 Gateways of life for women. The first, Heavenly Water, is marked by the beginning of menstruation. The second is childbirth, particularly the Golden Month immediately after giving birth. All of these phases bring about an energetic shift in the body and the opportunity for life to be changed for the better. The Second Spring gifts us the potential to improve our health, and increase our chances of living well into old age.

Menopausel woman drinking on bed

In East Asian countries women are greatly respected as they reach their Second Spring. The transition into this chapter brings about the opportunity for new potential, rejuvenation and fresh possibilities. As life’s purpose moves from the carer and nurturer of others, it marks the arrival of a chance to discover our sense of self. It gifts women the opportunity to live more authentically and view life from a different perspective. Here in the West it can sometimes be hard to find sensible advice during this phase. We can however look to the Chinese tradition of nourishing life, or Yangsheng. Whilst it is not a guarantee of good health as this is not always within our control, it does provide a framework for cultivating a smooth transition into this phase. By following some simple steps we can greatly influence our chances of living a healthy and long life. Midlife and Menopause consultations are available in person or online via videolink.

At the initial consultation we take a look at all aspects of your life and health, both physical and emotional. We explore which areas may be affecting a smooth progression through this ‘gateway’, and look at the best ways to support you with individualised advice and guidance. Each of the follow ups will have a particular focus, including mind, body, food and sleep. We delve into the concept of ‘nourishing life’ tradition and discover how minor changes can gradually bring about balance.

Together we will look at some of these principles, to optimise your experience of midlife and menopause. Bespoke guidance will be provided to suit your individual needs and requirements. We will look at beneficial ways to help yourself, such as altering any lifestyle choices which may not be serving you well during this time. It will also include providing dietary wisdom using the principles of Chinese nutritional therapy, and self-care practices to help ease this transition. A midlife and menopause package can be purchased for £175.00. This includes the initial consultation of one and a half hours, with 5 follows ups of an hour in duration. Alternatively, an initial consultation can be purchased for £49 and a package of 5 follow ups for £175. To purchase individual sessions the initial consultation can be purchased individually for £49 - book an appointment.


Emotional Health and Lifestyle Consultations